Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Prewriting Question

Prewriting Question
What cases can be made for or against X?

It is a woman's right to decide what to do with her body and pregnancy.
It is a right to privacy
A fetus is a human being and has a right to life
The term 'person' or 'persons' shall include every human being from the moment of fertilization

Cheerleading requires rigorous training and technical skills
It musts cheerleaders at high risk of injury
Cheerleading is an activity, not a sport
Cheerleading lacks a stable identity

Human cloning could treat a wide range of diseases from stem cells
Experimenting with embryos is immoral Immigration FOR The US is a nation built on immigrants There is more oppurtunity and success for those coming into the US AGAINST Over 500,000 people come into the US illegally Greater effect on population growth, the economy, schools and social services Media Bias FOR It might be the viewers' own biases that create a perception of a liberal media bias. AGAINST Reporters’ biases affect how news is reported. News coverage influences what people are thinking about. It's harder to differentiate fact from opinion

Thursday, November 20, 2014

 Potential research topics

1. Cloning because I do not believe in it. I think it goes against the laws of nature and is unnatural. Human beings should not be creating other humans or animals out of the body just because they have the ability to do so. This is taking advantage of technology and it is only harming humanity.
2. Abortion because there is relevant controversy on whether it is justified or not. I do not believe in abortion and it ties into feminism as well. I do not think it is an equal right for women because men can not have children. Abortion is a choice that kills those without one. 
3. Cheerleading because many people argue that it is not a sport but it is. Cheerleaders train as athletes and do more physical activity than many sports. It is competitive and there are hundreds of national competitions that require one to be in the best shape possible. It is not something every person can easily do. It is a clear sport.
4. Immigration because the U.S. should not allow free immigration anymore. It makes others have first oppurtunity before citizens. Immigration was justified when this country was beginning to expand from the industrial revolution and needed more people who gained oppurtunity. Now it is not a necessity.
5. Media bias because it brainwashes the public to think a certain way and it needs to stop. It doesn't allow the truth to be told and causes even more conflict. People listen to what anyone says just because it is broadcasted on television. It is just like school gossip because not everything you hear is all valid. A lack of thinking for yourself is obvious.
What "ticks you off"?
1. The United States getting involved in foreign affairs when we need to fix ourselves first.
2. When my phone is dying and have to get up to plug it in. - I am very lazy and this may not be something that should tick me off but it does. It shows people need to be more active.
3. Feminism - It is not a campaign for equality. It is a fight for superiority for women which defeats the purpose of equality. Egalitarianism/Humanitarianism is what should be promoted.
4. Too much homework - Students shouldn't be overloaded with work because that leads to stress and other issues.
5. Bullying - It is a horrible thing that needs to be eliminated. No one should be picked on for any reason.